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Harmonious Petals

We have one Earth as our garden. It is home to humans, animals, plants, waters, and mountains. We are connected as part of creation and as souls and spirits, sojourners here and hereafter.


This is how I take life. How about you?

This is a painting of one of my visions where I saw this light.  I asked myself, "What is this?"  And perceived the answer as, "Light of God".

This site was created because a very good friend saw the images of my visions that I have created.  She said that I must put them out into the world, and maybe at least one person will be touched.  So, here they are. 


This site is for people who seek unity and peace on Earth.  I shall be sharing writings and images, based on the instructions that I have been receiving.  If you have had similar experiences that you want to share with me, you are most welcome to do so.  We will be there to support each other's spiritual growth. 


This site is not for the dogmatic, fundamentalist, or materialistic. 


If you are a gentle soul that wants to express and share your experiences and to share mine, it will be a joyous venture. 


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