Hebrew Letters in Circle of Creation
The Letter, "Peace", Shalom
The Letter Aleph has No Sound. It emanates from Stillness and Silence. The Aleph is the Thursting Force permiates the
entire Cosmos and much more.
The Letter Beit means the House of the Cosmos. Also represents the Holy Temple, Our Physical Body-Within Dwells The Spark of the Divine. Thus we have to keep our Home Holy. Also Seek Peace in the Household and more.
The Letter "Gimel", reflects Qualities Loving Kindness and Growth. Gimel Begins the Hebrew Words for both Exil (Galut) and Paradise (Gen Eden). It Representing Two Opposing Forces to Help the Bridge.
Emanating from the Oneness and Aleph and the Duality of Beit, There comes the Synthesis Known as Gimel. Gimel also Represent Soul's Repeating Pattern of Birth and Death and much more.
The Letter "Daled", represent Four Realm of the Universe in All It's Totality. Daled Begins the Hebrew Words for Doorway (Daled) and Knowledge and much more.
The Letter "Hei" is found Twice in the Sacred Name of God Known as the Tetragrammaton. 'Yod Hei, Vov Hei' and Connotes Divine Revelation. The Letter 'Hei Represents God's Effortless Breath in Forming Adam Kadmon (The Primordial Human). The Divine Presence Here and Now and much more.
The Letter "Vav", Represent Completion, Connecting Two Subject Also in Hebrew Vav Stands of Confession (Viduy), Teshuva and much more.
The Letter "Zayin", Represent Time in Physical Universe. Remembrance - eq. On High Holidays, People Prays, Remember us in the Book of Life. When we Completely lost in the World of Action Try to Meditate Upon 'Zaiyn' is Get Connected to the Divine and much more.
The Letter "Chet", represent Vitality, Health, Relation with other Creations. Also Our Relationship of Our Outer and Inner World. Also Dreams and Visions. It also represent Wisdom and Simplicity (Piety) True Noble Nature and much more.
The Letter "Tet", represent Good; Spiritual Journey of the Soul through Physical Exsistance. Spiritual word for Tov (Good) Start with Tet' God Saw Everything Good. Tet' suggest that Goodness is Hidden in Our Universe - As Zohar says God is Concealed Within It and much more.
The Letter "Yud", represent the Smallest Letter. It represents a Cosmic Messenger Bringing Movement and Change Into Creation. Traversing the Entire Universe in a Micro-Instant. The Point, a Tiny Dot Burst Into a Greater Force. 'Yud' Begins the Hebrew Word For Yetziyah - Means Marching Forces and much more.
The Letter "Kaf" Begins with Crucial Word For Kavana - Means - Intention, Willpower, One Pointedness, etc. "Kaf" begins the Letter For Ketter (Crown). The Highest of the Ten Divine Energy, etc. and much more.
The Letter "Lamed" is the Tallest Hebrew Letter - Which Means, Learning and Teaching From the Heart and much more.
The Letter "Mem" means water, Also Intuitive Knowledge, Celestial Stream. Mem - Open the Hebrew Word For Angel (Maloch). 'Mem' also Signifies the Length of Time Necessary for a Cycle To Reach Fruition and much more.
The Letter "Nun" Symbolizes Faith and It's Vibrancy in Spiritual Life and much more.
The Letter "Samech", represents a Closed Letter - Signify Divine Protection in Our Daily Life. Everything We Experience is Illuminated by the 'Samech' Radiant Presence. 'Samech' Connotes the Hidden Realms Around Us and much more.
The Letter "Ayin", Symbolizes the Qualities of Perception and Insight. It Begins the Hebrew Word For Eyes - True Discernment. 'Ayin' also represent the Interconnectedness of all things. "Ayin" starts the Hebrew Word for a Tree in Kabbalah. Every Form in the Universe, including Ourselves is Regarded as a Tree of Life" Filled with - Ineffable Radiance of God and much more.
The Letter "Tzadi", Hebrew Word for Righteousness. One Who is On the Highest Level of Righteousness can Only Convey the True Perception of the Holy One in all its Radiance. According to Rabbi Isac Luria. God Created the Cosmos Through a Process Know as Tzimtzum, using the Letter 'Tzadi'. 'Tzadi' - The Hebrew Terms Refer to Withdrawal or Contraction of the Divine and much more.
The Letter "Pei", Represent the Power of Human Speech. Sages believe that when People speak Visible and Invisible Spiritual Energy is released. ( Light or Dark Energy Depend on What We Speak From the Heart). It is a Double Letter - Negative and Positive. For Example, if One Insult Somebody in the Public or Private - to Show off One's Ego Centered Nature - It is Equal to a Murder Sages say and much more.
The Letter "Kuf", Composed of 'Zayin' and 'Riesh'. 'Kuf' refer to Kedusha means Holyness. 'Kuf' also opens to Hebrew word 'Korban' meaning Sacrifice. We must be willing give up anything and everthing to receive God's Light and much more.
The Letter "Reish", is Associated with Higher Consciousness. It begins the word (in Hebrew) for Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha - Kadosh) Creator's Intention that all Humanity Gain the Knowledge of the Divine and its Ultimate Purpose for Creation - Union with the Divine and much more.
The Letter "Shin", Begins the word Shalom. Refer to Wholeness, completeness. The Hebrew word for Joy (Simcha) begins with Shin, Shalom. Refer to Peace, Wholeness, completeness. We must overcome our Dualities to experience wholeness. To experience Peace and Harmony', 'Mediate on 'Shin' and much more.
The Letter "Tav", Symbolizing that our Universe is Marked by Cycles in all things. The Ultimate End of the Cycle is Joyful. Complete Redemption. It begins the word 'Tikum' - meaning to Rectify: 'Redeem'. Also 'Tav' begins the Hebrew word for Tefila (Prayer) and much more.