Hebrew Letters
First Letter of the Hebrew Letters - ALEPH
The letter represents "Sacrificial OX" and "One Thousand". As the first letter of all the Holy Letters and symbol of the God's oneness and Omnipotence, ALEPH is a Three in one presentation. It's upper right hand segment consists of a "YOD", the first letter in the name of the "Divine". A second "YOD" in the lower left segment signifies the creator's resident with its creation. The center diagonal connecting the pillar is the 'VAV" symbol of transformation. "ALEPH" thus represents the process of transformation from human to super human. It represents that there is one true living God.
Second Letter of the Hebrew Letters - BET
"BET" Translating literally as "House". "BET" is the first word in the Hebrew Bible. (Bereshit - "In the Beginning"). Also the first letter in the first word of any Jewish Blessing. Baruch ("Blessed") as in Baruch Ha Shem ("Blessed is The Name of God"). "BET" symbolizes the Duality and Plurality of creation. Also, it represents fullness and emptiness, spiritual and mundane; but all such polarities are ultimately illusory within the Light of Eternal Unity.
Third Letter of the Hebrew Letters - GIMEL
"GIMEL" reflects the key qualities of both kindness and growth. It depicts a person running after one person who is needy, in order to be of true help and service. "GIMEL" represents love and kindness. "Right work and diligence will bring out the hidden reward." "GIMEL" teaches us how apparently opposing forces must be blended to form a third, more complete and perfect entity.
Fourth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - DALED
"DALED" means literally, "Door" also meaning weakness. It represents dimensions in space and time. The four physical directions - North, South, East, West and the Metaphysical "Four Worlds"- Emanation, Creation, Formation, and Action. Also, this "DALED" is an entry into the divine world through our desire, work and transformation.
Fifth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - HEI
The letter "HEI" is found twice in the sacred name of GOD known as the TETRAGRAMMATON. "YOD HEI VOV HEI" and IT connotes divine revelation. The letter "HEI" represents GOD's effortless breath in Forming Adam Kadmon (The Primal Human). The DIVINE PRESENCE Here and Now and more...
Sixth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - VAV
This letter "VAV" represents completion. Also connecting two subject. Also in Hebrew "VAV" stands for confession, or Teshuva [Atonement for our sins against creation and creator as a whole.]
Seventh Letter of the Hebrew Letters - ZAYIN
This letter "ZAYIN" represents time in the Physical Universe. Remembrance of GOD on Jewish High Holiday days. People prays, "Remember us GOD in The Book of Life". When we are completely lost in the world of action try to mediate upon, "ZAYIN" to get connected to the Divine.
Eighth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - CHET
This letter, "CHET" represents vitality, health, relationship with other creations. Also, our relationship of our outer and inner world. Also, dreams and visions. It also represents Wisdom and Simplicity. Importance of practicing noble nature.
Ninth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - TET
This letter,"TET" represents good, spiritual journey of the soul through physical existence. Spiritual word for "TAV" [good] start with "TET". Scriptures says God saw everything was good. "TET" suggest goodness is hidden in our universe and in each of us. God is concealed within its creation. It is for us to go deep within and bring out what is hidden through our physical living.
Tenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - YUD
This letter, "YUD" is the tinniest letter from all the twenty two letters. It represents the cosmic messenger bringing movement and changing into creation. Traversing the entire universe in a micro-instant. The tiny dot burst into a greater force. "YUD" begins the Hebrew word for "YETZIYRAH" - means marching Forth. There is more to it, but I decline to write more.
Eleventh Letter of the Hebrew Letters - KAF
This word, "KAF" represents intention, will power, one pointedness, etc. "KAF" begins the letter for "KETTER" (Crown). The highest of the Ten Divine energy, etc. "KETTER" is the top most Sephiroth in the Tree of Life from which begin the spiritual creation and physical creation.
Twelveth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - LAMED
This letter, "LAMED" represents our desire for learning and teaching from the heart about spiritual knowledge and much more.
Thirteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - MEM
"MEM" represents water also intuitive knowledge. Also the word stands for Angels and celestial dream. "MEM" also signifies the length of time necessary for a cycle to reach fruition.
Fourteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - NUN
It symbolizes faith and it's vibrancy in spiritual life and more.
Fifteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - SAMECH
This is a closed letter signifies Divine protection in our daily life. Everything we experience is illuminated by the "SAMECH". It's radiance and presence connotes the hidden realms around us. It also means, Divine presence is in the heart of all creation and more.
Sixteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - AYIN
This letter symbolizes the qualities for perception and insight. It begins the Hebrew word for "Eyes". True discernment, "AYIN" also represent the interconnectedness of all things. "AYIN" starts the Hebrew word for Tree. In Kabbalah, every form in the universe, including ourselves is regarded as a "Tree of Life", filled with ineffable radiance of God and more.
Seventeenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - PEI
It represents the power of human speech. Saints and Sages believe that when people speak, visible and invisible energy is released (light or dark energy depend on what we speak from the heart). It is a double letter represents negative and positive. For example, if one insults somebody in the public or private to show off one's ego centered nature - it is equal to murder and much more...
Eighteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - TZADI
This letter represents Hebrew word for, "Righteous". One who is on the highest level of Righteousness can only convey the true perception of the Divine in all its radiance. According to the sage Isac Luria, God created the Cosmos through a process known as Tzimtzum using the letter, "TZADI". "TZADI" the Hebrew Terms refer to withdrawal or contraction of the Divine and much more...
Nineteenth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - KUF
This Hebrew letter, "KUF" composed of "ZAYIN" and "RIESH". "KUF" referred to Kedusha which means Holiness. "KUF" also opens to Hebrew word "Korban", meaning Sacrifice. Which means to attend Holiness and walk the spiritual path. We may have to sacrifice our many animal nature, especially when it hurt other beings or harm others. We must be willing give up anything and everything in order to receive God's Light.
Twentieth Letter of the Hebrew Letters - REISH
This letter, "REISH" is associated with Higher Consciousness. It begins the word (in Hebrew) for Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kadosh). The letter, "REISH" reminds us of the Creator's intention that all Humanity gain the knowledge of the Divine and it ultimate purpose for creation - Union with the Divine and much more...
Twentyfirst Letter of the Hebrew Letters - SHIN
This Hebrew letter, "SHIN" begins with the word Shalom referred to wholeness complete. Also the Hebrew word for Joy (SIMCHA) begins with SHIN. To better of experience Peacefulness and Harmony, meditate on "SHIN" and much more...
Twentysecond Letter of the Hebrew Letters - TAV
This letter, "TAV" is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. "TAV" symbolizing that our universe is marked by cycles in all things. The Ultimate end of the cycle is Joyful complete redemption. It begins the word, "Tikkun", meaning to rectify - "Redeem". Also "TAV", begins the Hebrew word for Tefila (Prayer), and much more...
I got this information about the Hebrew language in a very strange way. As I wrote in my website my departed brother came in a vision and told me, "Hebrew is the language of the soul". So, I learned how to write the Hebrew letters and I am glad to place them on this website with a very brief meaning of them. It is really the blessing by the Sages who created these letters and assigned the meaning to them. Through understanding these letters and the meaning, we can comprehend our soul/spirit descended from the Divine, sojourn though physical existence; learning and overcoming and ascending back to Godhead. The people who know Hebrew well may find mistakes or anything not proper, I apologize. I don't know Hebrew, I only know how to write the letters. I cherish them dearly. It is my wish that all humanity should overcome all divisions and unite as a whole under One Creator. Thanks for looking at them. May the Divine guide you all.