My soulful thought for today regarding, Please people of the Earth. The Love, The Almighty LOVE which brought all beings and all things into existence. And we, the humans are the Share Holders and potential imitators of that Very Love. I must say Alas, how many of us are understanding and practicing the Nature of Love. Our Love is only last one Night Stand as they say...I do not know what is night stand and Heard this a lot. The out come is, unwanted children, emotional and physical and divine betrayal in itself. It does not take one night stand to make a baby, only few seconds. After the night stand, they walk away saying adios. Remember few days ago I wrote about bird Hornbill... are we human or what? or some two legged creatures. I know there are noble wife and husband live one day or 100 years live in love and harmony, They are very small. Still God may continue guide them enrich them with this precious gift of Love. People get married and their promises will only some times last before even they made their promises to love, cherish and be there as best friends, companion in sickness and in sorrows, joys and pleasures till death. They are gone with wind and ready to make similar promises to another victims. People after people, they enter and get out leaving huge trash behind with pain and sorrows. Then again they take their trash and enter into some marriage and unravel all the trash into the marriage and that ground of marriage is become barren desert without love, companionship, without communication, or love. They will survive under one roof.. this is the case for some. People love somebody and married to somebody, have relationship with others
and live with somebody else. What a tragedy. I pray all Teens, young adult, unmarried and thinking of marrying or, remarrying. Have a good look at your capacity to see whether one can invest 100% in the marriage life for each other...No baggage . Past relation ship and all the experience of love, hates, the legacy all must be BURNT out before enter into a new life. Let us stop hurting each other. We humans are NOT rocks. Some become rocks with their life experience. Our bodies are the dwelling place of the Divine Spark and we have feeling of betrayal, pain, joys, sorrows. Respect all the aspect of the other and make decision to enter or not to enter. Fall in Love with Spirit of that human, so that, you did not fall for the wrapping. Wrapping is only skin deep which will not last too long. Character, decency, etc. must rule the male-female relationship. Look at the world, children on the street, women and children on the shelters, It is high time, we human take charge of our Spirit into account and Live.
Be a good tree with wonderful sweet fruits bearing Tree. Let the offspring be of noble
natures, rather than menacing to the Earth and Heaven.