My soulful thought for today is about suicide. In the history of humans, there are countless number of individuals committed suicides, which include highly intellectuals, ordinary peoples etc. See, the emotion is so powerful, the trials and tribulations of living and all the pressures that throws at them by other humans are some times beyond anybody's capacity to bare. Some people kill others and to escape the law, and
kill themselves. So many reasons for people commit suicide. But it is always, interaction with other people involved. Some people are due to depression, due to chemicals produced in the brain and it is debilitating so they end their life. Yes, it is the heaviest cross to bare is the physical existence. Some people carry their cross no matter what. Why all these happening... due to human selfishness, greed, overpowering lust, ignorance, do not value or care for others or their suffering. (This is animal nature of the humans) somebody always falls victim by these evils. Some people are caring, selfless, compassionate, empath, they won't harm any beings, and they think of well being of all. It is the higher nature of humans (God's nature)
Animal does not commit suicide. We kill them, we do not feel anything, because we are sleeping in the soul level. Some people feel and helpless, they are awakened souls.. These are the Yogis, mystics, sages, and saints. They too will bare their cross of heavy in its nature of different order. No matter what, we all have to bare the crosses of different colors, sizes, nature etc. and they all will produce fruits of its kind for the well being ill being of the spirits/souls. Unfortunately, with suicide, nothing will end, except that the machine which carry the cross, just collapsed by suicide. But the heaviness, the bitterness, the cause and the events brought this particular person to take this steps remain in the memory of the soul/spirit in the entry into the soul life, except no physical person will see that. Except himself. We human have to sort out and clean up so many things. It is messed up totally. Nothing will end with physical death. There is something deathless in all living creatures.. which God's Particles. (The Spark of the Divine.. the Seeds.) are we sleeping? how long we will sleep with this false living in the physical? Unless we all humanity wake in the soul/Spirit level and feel the suffering of others and other beings, all sorts of crime, killing, suffering to all creatures will occur. Instead of making weapons, spend money to remove poverty, famine, stop doing things will bring kids, where there is no food.. nothing is free, it all has consequences. Stop talking about God.. Talks and do something worthy as humans, God's gardeners. Keep the garden well kept. Then we do the work of God the Magnificent Creator and this will be pleasing to God Force. Wake up in the Human level of the soul. Put to sleep the animal nature of the Soul.
Shalom Rose