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In my vision I was asked to climb a very tall white wall.  There was nothing to hold to and to  climb.  But I did climb  in my vision and on completing the wall, there comes down from high the Ladder, it is suspended in the Mid-Air and again I was asked climb that Ladder.. Oh My God, how it is possible and I got up.  This is the description of the Ladder.

All the Best


  • Writer's pictureRose

Thought of Friday, April 20, 2018

My Soulful thought for today is our inner work towards spiritual advancement. As one can see, we are here in the physical to do certain task as spiritual being. But we have this physical existence is a Montage, consist of body, its, well being, work, money, fame, and so may things we have to devote to. In the process of fulfilling our physical task and

achievements, we often do, say and live, as if we are only physical being, No consciousness, no soul, no spirit. May be some time we think of something when we are sick, or failed in our venture in the physical. We all go to some worship places and pray etc. But one has to ask, are we feel connected to our Divine Presence. One cannot feel the Divine Presence, when we are completely drown in the material world of the physical. Seeking Spiritual path, Divine existence, Spirit/Soul, in the physical, it is very vague. Hence, we have different ways of Worshiping God Force, many religions, dogmas, prescription, conversation etc, On the other hand, it is our task to remove the blankets of issues that we faces, drawn into and bring out the Light that longing to shine for us to show the way back. These are the mystic, the sages, the Saints, all have removed their covering and bare and naked before the Light and take the road that leads to the High Mountain of the Lord of ALL, The Supreme Consciousness, The ineffable Existence. It is a hard and ardent desire for it and journey with it. If everything was crystal clear, we have no struggle. No trials, no failure etc. It will be a straight shooting. You see, if we struggle to achieve anything, we take grate pride in our achievements and we value what we have achieved. People who get everything free, they do not give any value. Because they did not earn it. That goes for the spirit/soul work as well. The ALL Knowable ones KNOWS how we will achieve our Soul/spirit journey what it needs to be done too. To experience the Light within, we have to remove many, many debris, power of the flesh and its demand. We can do everything for the physical existence. But we must realize that, this reality will come to a screechy halt without even getting a short notice. So, it is a good idea, learn to dive deep and bring forth what is buried in the dust, which is the physical. By living with consciousness and with compassion for all creatures and do not cave into the destructive ways of life. If we can find balance in all things, we can see our reflection in the water clearly. When water is polluted and if one look, we can only see little distorted view of us. We have to realize interconnection of all beings, things. If we cannot help, do not harm by action, words, etc. The True walkers of the Path, do all things such way that, their journey is not interrupted. We as human, it is our chance and purpose to

reflect God's Light. Not deflect. If we lived for only for the flesh, we wasted our life without knowing the Gift of the Spirit/soul and its purpose. We are so much into our satisfaction of the flesh by way of eating, earning, doing everything, which gives pleasures. Well one's pleasure should not interfere with others or other's right of well being or existence. I do not know, why I do this, you can take it or leave it. Everybody will do what they want to do. Well, Divine Time scale is eternal and we all in that time scale and zone.. only varying degree. When I am writing all these, do not think I am perfect. NOT AT all, I have certain awareness and I am struggling as any human. This is a battle field, a school, we fail, we try again.



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