My soulful thought for today talks about poison and its antidotes. I think humanity since the very beginning of our advent on the Earth, we have been poisoning our souls with our reckless, loveless, selfish life style. Of course our body is healthy for a while, then get sick, then get old age, suffer and die. What is this poison we have been swallowing for all these thousand of years. Everything. We violated everything from the very beginning. If we were NOT in tune with the Creators plan and purpose, this should have been our physical heaven. We put much less effort to feel the presence of the Light within us and within all. In the absence of recognizing the fact that others and other beings are the very manifestation of the Divine plan, we forced other beings to swallow poison and force others to do the same. We fight for God, religions, division, we attach nature and all its inhabitants. It takes lots of antidotes to eradicate the poison that devour the creation … the physical world. We have done it with our will, and we have to undo it with our Love, Light, wisdom and empathy. All these are Divine factors for all physical creation to nourish and live with each other and among all. With our selfishness and self seeking, we allow the evil to take over our life. It is the black sheep wearing white garments. The people who seek God, must be plain and simple, honest, kind, compassionate, see the things for what it is and avoid evil, and do not drag good people into their evils. We humanity created this, we must eradicate this. By simple inner transformation, rise above carnal lower nature. When we live with this carnal nature, we bring higher nature to trash. Physical without the power of the spirit is dark in its nature. Spirit nature without the Physical, it accomplishes nothing. Spirit and physical must balance and live and ascend within, before the spirit say goodbye to the physical. Our quest must be practiced on all level to accomplish spiritual freedom. Our Physical must be used to that end.