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In my vision I was asked to climb a very tall white wall.  There was nothing to hold to and to  climb.  But I did climb  in my vision and on completing the wall, there comes down from high the Ladder, it is suspended in the Mid-Air and again I was asked climb that Ladder.. Oh My God, how it is possible and I got up.  This is the description of the Ladder.

All the Best


  • Writer's pictureRose

Thought of Friday, June 8, 2018

My soulful thought for today is about maladies, sickness, pain and suffering we face while living. This is an inevitable part of our physical living. When we were with our Heavenly Parent, we were perfect, we were spirits, we did not know anything but Love and Light. It is the Will of our Heavenly father that we go forth into the creation and experience and recognize Light from darkness. The lower world is, as the spirit moves far from perfection, the Light dims and dims, finally spirits enter the souls and then enter the physical body and is born. It goes for all creation. Once we are here and we learn first thing is to breath. With that Breath, all what is available in the physical psyche enter into our psyche. These all potential habits of all kind nature all will generate spiritual education, growth, and physical sickness, death and starts to return homeward with all that we gathered with our living. Sickness is the reminder that, what we cherish is not permanent and it will be fall apart once the spirit decide to leave this earth. When we are stressed out, when someone cause you to go through struggle, our emotion will get tampered and that will manifest in the body as form of sickness. This goes for all bodies us, animals, plants and Earth as a whole. From this one should realize, we are creating sickness, for others and other beings and us, also the Earth, The Beloved Mother, how we are treating her and all her physical children. We have the highest ability to keep the garden going in a health way where our Lord of all will be happy to see, my children are doing the great work to keep all that is in good shape and watering it well. No way we can say this. While we created structures, monuments, dogmas, religions, we did not realize the importance of living in harmony and love. We destroyed the beauty of the Earth, we destroyed everybody and destroying everything in our path for some or the other excuses. We infringe on other spirits/souls path for our seconds of pleasure of whatever. What will be our Earth and for all inhabitants 500 years from now? Where is our Love made manifest? Search "ORIGEN'" a Mystic who took the spiritual path and what he had to face. I tell you, nobody can impart heavenly bliss, no religions, no preaching, BUT, Love and practice of Love for all, Empathy and compassion must rule humanity to bring harmony and order. This way, may be some sense of healing can happen to God's Wonderful Creation. We forgot the Path that leads to Love the Abode of All Spirits. Scriptures of all faiths, says, be ready every moment, as no one know, when our spirits decide to leave this physical shell. When we live for self righteous sake, we have caused untold amount of suffering to each other and rest of the creation. This is continuing for thousands of years and now we are here. Anybody thinking? It is for all people who take the name of God and see what it all meant. Sparks of God is continually calling each and every one of us leave the path of selfishness and move towards love. We are not hearing, we are telling God how what is in our arrogance. They even proclaimed that, All God's revelations is all stopped and no one can hear. How foolish, human to think this. God's Love, and Light is continually flowing to its creation that is why we are alive.



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