My soulful thought for today is about aliveness even in rocks. The importance of our relationship towards all rocks, plants, animals and us, each other. All these forces, the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom are all longing to have our gentle connection with them. If we can treat them gently, they will respond in a subtle
way towards us. Animal kingdom, if we can show love to them, they will be on the top of the world with joy. Because we are the instruments for Creators flow of love directly more than any creatures. Scriptures says, we are created in the image of God.. or we created God in our image. Either way its works for depends on how we connect with everybody and any beings. How can we connect with inanimate rocks, plants, when we refuse to connect in true sense to the animating forces like, each other and animals. We are not projecting our divine nature towards each other or the animals. We most people treat each other as commodities to be used and trashed. We are doing it very well. Some people here and there mindfully live considering all came from one sources. Nobody wants to think in the core level to accept our part on the Earth as highly intelligent beings, super sensitive, ability to recognize danger, right, wrong, etc. etc.. Seek peace, connect with one another, and rest of the creation. Try to reduce pain and suffering of mental, emotional and physical for all beings. It is the question are we using our Blessing for the well being of our souls/spirits and rest of the creation. What has gone so wrong. Even if there is not going to be life, beyond grave, still we are capable recognizing the emotional response of other creatures and to experience what others would feel. We are living with our impulses and give little thought to anything beyond our importance of the self and its demand. One thing I know for sure, if we want to have a safe existence for our children and the following, we must take good look at the 4 to 5 thousand years of our living, the failures, the misguidance, The True Nature of God Force and Its purpose for us as the highly gifted and evolved creatures. War, killing, violence, suffering for creation will continue, so long as we remain as we have been. Few thousand years ago, there were much less population. Today what. What will be 10 years, 100 years from now. Would our Earth will be habitable for any beings including us in a safe way? It is for all religions, Governments, thinkers, to take a good look at so far, and realize to re-train ourselves in thinking, attitude towards other creations, controlling our impulses for the physical wants. Learn to restrain millions things while collectively living on the Earth. God won't stop anyone from doing anything right or wrong. IT is the silent watcher of all our insincere selfish nature and all the justification with it. I was blind, now I see, I was deaf, now I hear. It is causing bombardments within me. This will happen to all seekers of the path. They feel helpless in the face of all what is going on. They will be condemned. It was like that, it is like that and it will be like that. People on the path have no physical army, all they have is their awareness. There is One God and IT was It will be for All God, with this thought I conclude. Do the right thing, correct thing. Not what suit our convenience.