My soulful thought for today is a quote of fragments from the Lord's prayer " Let it be done' or Let thy will be done. So, why are we humans here? To manifest Creator's will through our action. If one's action is noble, kind and enabling others to see, observe
one's action and transform, that is then the will of the Father has accomplished. Because by one's action one produced a good fruits, transformed another or helped others.
What happened, when one decided to use the Will of the Father to ruin others, kill a being or deceive somebody, what might that one expect from the Will. If that Will does not manifest immediately, surely on the Soul level it will come to fruition. This is the Will, will manifest. If anyone can watch an animal being beaten to pulp and die, if one could just watch as an amusement going in the field... this person has no heart or it is not yet activated to animate by the Will of the Father... what is going to be the case with the onlooker who did not anything about it and the one who really caused this terrible thing. From where does all life force come to us and all other creatures... So, You may be rich man, or a poor man or a beggar, live with the heart that can be activated by the Divine Love. It forces nobody to change their ways. But the wages of the action in the soul life will change. A Brute, a selfish person, a criminal cannot feel the loving Father's heart. Rather he experiences the evil power which he allowed to enter and rule him.
Where is our world today, where will we cross the blood sea to? the red sea ? to the promised land? It must all happen with our own physical existence. It is not somewhere where we have to take a plane and go. Do not be fooled with all these stories. Experience the Loving Call of Our Father and allow the Will to manifest
in our life and others through loving, kind, honest and compassionate heart.
We can say good by to our Till Today's living. Start with this moment and onwards to do something worthy of the Father's will. Do not try to deceive the Divine, which is within and within all. Price will be heavy.