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In my vision I was asked to climb a very tall white wall.  There was nothing to hold to and to  climb.  But I did climb  in my vision and on completing the wall, there comes down from high the Ladder, it is suspended in the Mid-Air and again I was asked climb that Ladder.. Oh My God, how it is possible and I got up.  This is the description of the Ladder.

All the Best


  • Writer's pictureRose

Thought of Monday, July 23, 2018

Updated: Aug 2, 2018

My soulful thought for today is about doing good things, kind things, compassionate things to all whom you meet in life. Regardless of whether we get the gratitude we deserve or not. This whole paragraph is a kind my story looks like. We as humans have

so many issues, that we seldom forget to be real humans. What is human nature? Divine Nature? Can one imagine when you give with absolute love and concern from the heart, and one is stoned or stabbed to death emotionally? I know we should not

expect anything back. OK, we do not expect, but we have feelings, emotions, love, and all that beautiful things, when people, heartless people throw it into trash and laugh, who will not get hurt? After all that ,they can go to worship places, take the name of God, Love etc. If we cannot reciprocate to the Love that God gave to us through other beings, how can we Love God? OK, I agree, we cannot expect. WE are not expecting,

at least do not stab behind and make malicious allegations and then take the name of God. I do not think, people understand God in ITS True purpose and calling. I am wondering whom they are fooling, when they can cause such pain and damage to other people or being who has done only good things. Good people, in spite, how many times they were bitten by selfish and self serving people, they continue to do from their heart. But is a good idea, not to hurt anybody, more than one can bare. Good and the Evil all are here together to live and transform from within and then to be the shining Light. We are not living in the Bubble. We are all interacting, connecting, caring and sharing. Good is for all. God is for all. God will listen to someone, and do not listen to others. Come on. God Force is Pure Love, when we practice and live with purity, love,

empathy this will lead to the Ultimate goal of our the souls to be United with Perfect Love, God alone. God takes no sides. IT see all hearts of all being. We as human, we must never forget our responsibility and duty to do the right thing, think the right things. God is the Perfect Love, through practice we will achieve this. Not with Loud noises and millions praises. Praise without True Love in Action, we are in fact trying to diminish What God is about. Nobody can do that. God is God, and we want to reach God, get down to live the way of Love, caring, and compassion.



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