Today's soulful thought is law of attraction. It is in giving that we receive. The law of attraction, so is the law of repulsion. Our human life is filled with all these emotions. It is in sowing that one reap. Quite many of the humans try to reap, where they did not sow. Which create repulsion, war, rejection etc. Physical creation now facing heavy burden due to ignorance of humanity. What one do not acknowledge, there cannot be any change. It has been since the beginning of human existence. So we wait, some magic to happen. End is near. Every creature including us, there will be an end of the physical, then began another in a different direction. No matter what, there has to be a new approach to our existence in terms of the collective. We have to eliminate the extravagant living at all cost, who die, who will be killed. I know, there is a soul/spirit living after the body perished and returned to the dust or ashes. The formless carry everything we did as memories either pleasing or painful. So, let some of us at least, create good memories. We may have failed till today, but while we are still active in the body... make necessary changes, so that our soul/spirit will not weighed down to depth of darkness, rather it may fly into the Light, it all depend on how we lived out our inner life.( which is different and belong to the Light/Love/Peace). Stop nibbling on books. Let us try to read the Teaching written on our soul. Stop the noise, any listen to voice of the Love and live... The Light speaks. Or, be selfish and listen to voice of the Darkness, which pull us down to the depth of the darkness. Let us all as (souls/spirit) use this our vehicle (the physical existence) to achieve what the Creator intended for IT'S creation.
Shalom Rose.