My soulful thought for today is the Creation of Mankind and also all the creation. We are walking, talking human have some special capacity; the Creator has endowed with. There is a saying that we humans are created in the Image of God, we humans are over seven billions on the Earth right now. All looks different, all think differently, all live in their own made up world. However what is this image, on close examination, we can realize that it is not the facial skin or the flesh. Within this Tomb a spirit which animate all humans with high potential for great work and Unification with Author of ALL. This Image must come to manifest in our daily living and interaction with the rest of the creation. By the time we incarnated into the Earth, we forgot the purpose of the Image. We got lost in the MUD and married to MUD, spirit is buried in the clay.
However the seeking for something is inherent in human, not the animals, because of our capacity and ability, we have to strive to connect with this Image of God. To that end, we must over come all division, dislike, hate, violence, I got it and I am right, they are wrong, we are entitled etc. As long as this division and crime prevail, No one will experience this Image. Our seeking for God and Peace is the Sign that the spirit seek to unify with Image and Purpose of God. Spirit is Ready, flesh is weak, Bible says.
In the absence of the Unification with the Divine Image, we try to connect with the mundane and to be dissatisfied with it all. People are seeking, but they choose the wrong path of lust, drug, Richness of the materials, and power. This all will fall like bricks or a deck of cards. The Soul and spirit is starving, we pray, The Lord says, Love one another. My father in heaven is perfect, you be perfect, this will manifest Image of the Divine Creator. One love the God and pass judgement on all others, kills, abuse, and give thanks to the Lord, Honestly what one think of this Image, This Absolute, Purest and Life giving Love, Light. When will we experience the Unified Image... the journey of love and compassion will in time experience the Image.