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In my vision I was asked to climb a very tall white wall.  There was nothing to hold to and to  climb.  But I did climb  in my vision and on completing the wall, there comes down from high the Ladder, it is suspended in the Mid-Air and again I was asked climb that Ladder.. Oh My God, how it is possible and I got up.  This is the description of the Ladder.

All the Best


  • Writer's pictureRose

Thought of Saturday, June 9, 2018

My soulful thought for today is about human desire for power and its attachments to it. I really do not know, what it all meant to have the world power. It only last for a second. The power over others, power of ruling the nations, power of controlling others, controlling other life forms. Why they desire this power, because they get this hype that they can rule others and look down on others. Because they have NO control over their impulse, and million others things control them. These dark forces rule them, in turn they fight for outside powers and hold on to them as long as they can. How much they desire to hold the power that of any nature say; rulers of the world, religions rulers, and million other rules. They need someone to follow them, obey them, who are the weaker and less fortunate, ignorance and who do not think for themselves. To them; they subject themselves to be ruled. What happened to the rulers and the ruled? Physical destiny is the same. All the physical ruling, achievements, desires, to the fulfillment of all they have to subdue others, misguide others. They are not thinking, they are losing their time of the soul/spirit to achieve its goal. We are on a race, we are on collision course with Divine law and natural law. If we can open our hearts, mind and its true god given nature then one would realize, we wasted many thousands of years, pursuing the shadow of power and our souls/spirit

are left wondering in the long and ardent journey unfulfilled. The soul desire NOT the Worldly power, that is the Human nature, which is Divine in nature. Of course we have all kind of worship places, authority of God matters, prayers, and every other forms of rituals. One may ask, what is in the heart? Love all God's creation. Accepting all came from one sources and all want to walk for their destiny. Not to get stumbled and broken and gone as they do their journey. Once we love all creation and realize we are all came from once sources and it will eventually return to ITS Original state, and we have to walk together, Not Walk Over other beings or others. We are not recognizing the Oneness of God.. The Only Power which gives out power to all those who seek in Love, Humility, compassion, desire to serve, NOT to be served.



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