My soulful thought for today is the failing of the human kind. In terms of our soul awareness. The beautiful souls wish good and well being for souls/creation. It is painful for the thoughtful soul to see how humanity is falling down like a deck of cards. We are not offering any quick fix for the creation issues. Quick fix and set of believes will never cure any souls or physical problems. But conscious living, gratitude for the blessings, desire to receive continuously. However desiring is not enough. We must acknowledge our inheritance as Divine creatures and we are the channel for all Light on the higher human soul level. Also we are channel for power of dark forces by lower human soul nature (animal nature) If we live like animal, we will be plunged into chaos. Which we can see today, also since the very beginning of the human existence. Thousand of years ago, we were primitive, lived in caves, and lived like savages. We had no agriculture, when hungry hunted animals and ate etc. etc. Now we are very modern. Science, medicine, knowledge of the Physical and spiritual has advanced beyond. But what we are doing with our capacity. Misusing it. Much is given much is demanded by the giver. We human act like pathetic. The beautiful Earth and its inhabitants including us live in terror. There is no harmony, peace. Waiting for miracle to happen. We have the capacity to do miracle. Each and every human abstain from doing harm to others, beings. Be sensitive to the spiritual flow of love and light. Be conduit to it. Care and share. Be gentle. Live with Honesty, well being of all in mind. Miracle will happen. Experience the God within all. Any impure, selfish action, will bring suffering of the souls of all beings. Learn to walk side by side. Not behind, Not before.. There is no joy for me to write like this. If I do not, I am not doing my task either.