My soulful thought for today is about the Three elements in the physical world and each person and the whole creation is consist of these elements. The Air, which carry the life force. Without the air no living thing will survive. Water, all physical bodies are consist of seventy percent water. May be vary in different animals or beings. However, nothing will survive without water. Fire, it is same. Without Sun/heat everything will be frozen to death. Can one imagine the wisdom with which the Creative Force brought everything into existence? One would realize the importance of keeping the air and water clear of pollution. See the interdependent of all things? When people lie or say wrong thing, they say don't waste one's breath. When we say or do wrong things, it affects the life force on the spiritual level and in the physical. Humans is only species endowed with this super awareness of every thing, due to our heart that can be as rich and loving as the Universe. The mind, the consciousness, which can expand its awareness to the entire cosmos and beyond. Our other brothers and sisters, they have limited capacity of the heart and brain. But our physical bodies and theirs are made of the same substances as ours. Because our super sensitivity, we must use for the well being of all creation including, water, air, fire. Misuse of it all, bring calamity to the entire species. Earth will be barren and desolate. So, let us use our blessed gift of heart, tongue, brain to re-establish order and balance in creation. Then one will feel, God is among us. In the absence of this awareness and action, God is there, I am here. What we have is Holy, where we are is Holy. So, we do not have to travel to some holy places. Create Holy place within us, around us, so that, we all experience the blessed experiences of joy and harmony of living. WE may find millions excuses to harm or cause other beings to suffer. It is NOT right before the Creator. When people justify and do things, not to care for other's right to live, we are already violated the Divine Law.