Our life on the Earth, the Party, the heaven, hell, hanging around with friends more than it required. Busy, Busy, We are here on the Earth to pick up the strawberry. Truly it is a jungle and countless are those souls who are lost. Because while picking-up the strawberry, we did not notice it is become dark, start to run home before dusk. Too late it is all dark, we fell into the swamp, a filthy swamp, our foot got stuck, We pray,
but at the same, we must pull our legs out of the swamp and run from creatures who will devour our soul. Everything coming to its place properly I feel. It is our duty to recognize the fact that we are souls/spirit came into this physical existence to not to get lost in the business of the world and forget the purpose and journey of the soul. The glory, the ego will all cause our feet of the souls stuck in the filthy swamp. I hope each and every human on the earth should read this and run from the darkness and seek Light before it is dark and no way to escape. Easter Sunday, all lights off, then we will light one candle, from that to the next, then finally all candles are light. It is time, we realize a lots of things. Pause and leave the road so far as soul we traveled. It's lead to the forest where poisonous strawberry grows. We get intoxicated with this strawberry and fall into the Filthy Swamp. Use the life that we have, do the right thing, loving thing,
do not waste time entirely for this Illusions. Do or say nothing wherein we throw
our soul's life to dark forest and swamp filled with wild scary creatures. Take the path of
of mystic, sages, and saints, they were at some point might have been in the swamp,
but their recognization and desire for soul's ascension and freedom of practicing
love, empathy compassion and unity with Divinity, not only they comes out of the swamp, but they hike the high mountain of the Ineffable. This is our task, Let the inner journey of transformation began for the True seekers. Let this world be transformed from a filthy swamp into Garden of Light and Love wherein all creation sing praises and thanks giving for the soul's opportunity to experience the physical living with others by the Divine providence. With our Teshuva, Atonement, we must light the candle of our souls and Spread the Light like the Easter Sunday. WE must be born again to the Light of the Infinite by our true transformation. Rituals will not take the souls to the Light, Inner Transformation WILL. There has to be transformation from within, in the true sense. The Spirit and Soul seeks Light through physical Living. We all have to participate in cleaning this swamp of pain suffering, killing, of humans or other beings. All children, women or men all must walk in safety and Peace in the Divine Love and Light. This is how we will spread the good news. Speech and talks of God will not help, transformation will and must be our way. Creator is Creator of the Universes and we the little the people cannot add or delete to ITS Glory/Power/existence, by which all come into being.