My soulful thought for today is human draws conclusion of the first meeting with anyone either for positive or negative. This is called, "gut feeling". Quite many times it is true. Many times it is not. People project themselves as someone who are not themselves within their core of existence, the one made a decision to mingle with that
person is bound to be doomed. Because they made their judgement on the other person's projection. Sales executive and such like people, they sell themselves with their flowery speech about their product which they intend to sell, also they wear fine garments to create an impression to the on lookers, boy they are deceivers. This goes on level of human existence. Not the animals. They have no pretense, they project for who they are? What are we doing with our Divine Gifts, ability to talk, think, act, they are deceiving others and themselves as well. They have a hard work ahead on all levels. It is goes for also the people who claim to know the Divine. They speak, they read, whatever they are reading is information that was given to the one who received. It may be little, partially true or impartial. We must not rely of others information, use the map they received, and try to use that map for one's journey and try to walk and see where it leads to. Once you walked the path in righteousness, love sake, purity sake one will reach far up on the high mountain. What one's acquired will be far better than the one map they used which was made by others. It is important as human being, to genuinely conduct in the physical level, in moral level, and in spiritual level. Prepare, taste and see what one prepared. Do not talk about taste of the food somebody else prepared. Know the ingredients, how to put it together and how to prepare it . Eat it. All joy is one's alone. Stop all claims, Live for living, safety, peace for all creation. Creator is One, Creation is One. Do not divide what is whole. One will be accountable in a severe way. What was the need for all war we fought, the fight, the killing, the suffering of humanity, and the animal kingdom. The is the way of the Salvation? Is anybody understand the depth of duty, purpose in creation? Be Honest and truthful, kind, compassionate... rest will follow. Creator hates liars, killers, and abusers of the innocents. Do not break the trust. Clean up the mess, it is our duty, how to clean the mess, first recognize we are gathering and sitting on the Mess and sleeping on it. So, before the moth start to eat ones flesh up, before the vermin start devour the lying tongue in the grave, do the damage control and heal all that we need to do in the physical. Pride is the garment of the deceiver, the great Satan. If one allow him to take over, it is not the mistake of Satan. One invited IT to one's own life with Pride ruled life. If one act kindly and humbly and harmoniously, the Divine will manifest. So, think before choosing who will rule one. Both are available to us in the Physical world. The Physical is the pathway to the Spiritual, One will not be without the other for the Human souls.