Last Night I saw a movie in my mother language... I thought this movie was very much in tune with current human conditions of materialism at all cost. Some people built a very huge Insurance Corporation by exploiting poor and need people on the promises of helping. When they are really in need of the insurance money, the corporation found loop hole and excuses and deny their claim. But one; a God sent a noble soul get employed in the company and he himself was poor and even do not have a shelter properly, but One thing he had was Moral and ethic.. so he used his gift of character and challenge everything in the corporation. Transform that company into a real organization where they kept the promises and cure the defaults. Side by side another story was going also, a father worked very hard and make lots of money, built
the home. Looked after the son and wife(who died early) and the son turn out to be a monster who exploited the father to enrich him and support his habits and drugged his father and declared to the world that the father is mental and left him to suffer and die. Again the good Samaritan help the father. But the father had some property which; his son was not aware and sells it and buy some shares in the Insurance company. It would have been better, if such sons were not born. These are close to home stories. If we have to see a world where peace and harmony prevail, we must train our children the values of morals, ethic, character etc. we must practice ourselves first.
One cannot change, what we do not ACKNOWLEDGE. Our world, the earth and all its
inhabitants are suffering due to greed, selfishness, lack of empathy, compassion.
It is the individual way things become collective. Everybody/religions and people must play the role to make collective change and well being for all.