My soulful thought for today is about terms of Circle, if one notice it all starts with a point and there is no end to the circle. It goes around and around. Where is starts, where it ends.. nobody can say. This represents the Universe and within its contain any and all forms. The Divine Breath pass through/ run through and animate visible and invisible forces of spirits, physical life. Without the Spirit, there is no life, neither us, nor anything. So, think, perceive, act and live in unison. This is the symphony of Creation being played within the circle. We humans are not alone. We are only a tiniest organism in participating in the Orchestra of life, death, life. Here I would like to write something from a Holy writings: "Be fearless and pure; never waver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. Give freely. Be self controlled, sincere, truthful, loving, and full of the desire to serve. Realize the truth of the scriptures; learn to be detached and to take joy in renunciation. "Do not get angry or harm any living creatures, but be compassionate and gentle; show good will to all. 'Cultivate vigor, patience, will, purity; avoid malice and pride. Then, One will achieve one Divine Destiny. The Divine qualities lead to freedom, the demonic to bondage. Some people have divine tendencies, others have demonic. The demonic do things they should avoid and avoid the things they should do. They have no sense of uprightness, purity, truth. Hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, cruelty, lust, and ignorance, etc. are all belong to the demonic people who serve the Satan as their Master. Know whom we are serving with our life of action, thoughts, relationship one another. Is there place for the Light to shine to show us the way? Look, Look within". The good and evil are all embedded in the Human is for us to listen to the Light or Darkness.
Shalom Friends