My soulful thought for today is about perception, lucidity of the mind enhances with some people as they grow older. For some it slowly decay. Very few people all over the world, they develop this highest respect for life, all life. They are self trained, self controlled, they are Simple, Honest, no corruption, no ego exist in their language. They feed a hungry child, they feed a hungry dog, they feed a hungry bird. All that they see is a life want of something, food, or love or care. These noble being without distinction, take everything into their heart and from the heart bring out the heart nature, which is soul nature. To these people, their awareness of high order quality will increase with time. Even if their self conscious mind go blank due to age, the noble work and life they had lived out will be imprinted in their sub conscious level. Which will be part of the Super Conscious Existence. These are the Giants (the Mystics) who walks the Earth. Their work will not finish here on the Earth, they continue to help even in the after life as souls/Spirit. I give you one example people pray to departed ones, Saints.. Because these wonderful souls/spirit never die. Their worn out body, they just left to Earth to be used as food for plants, worms and part of the Earth. As for the people lived out their life, not developing the high moral qualities and they wasted their life of the flesh, and their soul/spirit enter the waste land where desolation, torments will be their portion. These people while living, did not understand or care for anyone, anybody, but themselves, their pleasures. They can kill, abuse, rape and live for me world for ever. They did not develop anything higher quality or nature of God. They might have gone to worship places, pray and pray for their this or that. In their heart no compassion for anyone or anything. Don't rely on one's cleverness of the mind, diplomas, etc. Along with those cleverness, if one can develop the quality of the noble heart, we are well on our way to the high mountain of the Lord, the birds, the animals, the humans, with whom you lived, one had contact with, cared and shared with, all the high order spirits, angles will all waiting for one, at the entrance Gate of the Light world to carry one Home. So, it is paramount important for humans to develop all high noble qualities as soul nature and live here on the Earth, care for the Earth and all inhabitants including us. Nobody is anybody is property, or some object to be abused, trashed etc. Nobody is created for somebody else's object of pleasures, to be harmed, to be left behind to suffer. NO, No, we are all here to develop certain qualities, rise above the animal nature to human and then divine nature, before we leave this Earth to harvest what we sow here. So, stop walking blindly and one will surely fall, because the bridge which connect all of us together, between one another are all broken. We are fooling ourselves, But maybe all looks in appearance. One has to work for everything. We have all the Talents we need. If one do not develop and enhance the Gift of the Divine and pray.. pray.. It is an abomination to our Spirit/soul and the Creator before ITS Sight. Blessed and called, the heard the one are those who walk the Path of the Divine Lane.
Shalom Friends.