My soulful thought for today is about the importance of our realization that we as spirit\ soul descended into the physical plain and our purpose in the physical. If anyone read what I wrote yesterday, one would notice, this is what the great Masters telling us also. These kind of synchronicity has been happening all the time. Peoples who think on the higher plain of life and the interest and to achieve how, will think on the same level. Jeshuva said, one or two are gather in my name I will dwell among them. We few people, do gather in our thoughts of high moral purposes, and well being of all, wherein the Divine Light will Shine. It is not that, we take the name with empty words and gather in some church or group. One can do that, but our intention should
be God's nature.. which is Unity, oneness, ease the pain and suffering. Seek a humble life of love, empathy, without which no human will ever experience the Divine Presence. We as human are given everything to seek this precious gift by working through in our physical with companions of Light.. that means we must be companions of Light for each other. Do not look down on any being that of humans or animals. Respect and care everything as one Creator's Gift for us to partake and participate in the continuum of the spiritual growth through physical existence. On the Earth there are so many wounded soldiers of living in the physical. Soldiers means, not the one who go to war. They too are included. But they made a choice. We all are making choices , when making it, it seems good at that time, but on the long run, it is proven to be disastrous. The suffering of mental, physical and emotional pain ensue. A hell of inferno wide open and we enter and choose to suffer. We ponder, we cry, we lick our wounds. No help, heart less people are all around. Cruel indeed. In this situation, we people feel, no use living, some choose to take their own life to end their emotional suffering. The torments of their mistakes, the lack of wisdom they had, not used or never had it. What a drama. What about the animals, what they have done to us that they suffer such cruelty. The animals who suffered and killed by the humans evils hands, they enter the green pastures of joy and peace by the Creative Love. But for us, the one who is so egoistic, criminal, selfish, they will get their turn in the long journey of the soul existence. My friends, if you are the victim of wrong choices, or some one wounded you, suffering is enough, look within, you are not just bundle of pain, sorrows and suffering. Observe your suffering without any answer. What had happen; not even God can change the past. But recognize you too are that Phoenix. The Mythical Bird makes its next in the Heart of Sun and it buns everything in the Fire of Sun and it rises to the Infinite Light. You who all are suffering this way, there is a way waiting for you. Recognize you are soul spirit and your must rise from the casket made of clay which will be burned in due course of time. But before it happen, recognize your purpose of life, living, failure, success, peace, joy and recognize where is one failed, correct it, live it, and rise from the Grave as the Christ Did. You see, when I start a word, something takes over me and I write. I am sure some of you know me by now. So, Let us all gather together and start doing things, which will heal the sick, the tormented, the betrayed, Pray for the evil and ignorant who are selfish and live for that. May the Infinite Light Guide us all to the Realm of Love.