My soulful thought for today talks about human behavior. Well, we are here to behave, live and grow. Grow what? One may ask. We grow healthy fruitful tree or grow tree which produces harmful fruits. What is spirituality? This comes from the word spirit. To the spirit to experience meaningful existence where one can grow with our physical living. Spiritual living and growing through physical living. To accomplish that, we must be partakers of the good and noble which is available to us through divine flow, which continue to flow non stop from the Infinite Throne. The whole Creation permeates it. While it meander through plain after plain, forms after forms, it is not visible to the people who care for nobody and nothing. This power within them and within others is
recognized by the one who got mastery over all their impulses and they are plugged into the Life Stream of Love which Unite all. To them everything sacred and worth living and loving. While we are in the body, in spite of our best intention and living, we do get angry on the face of what is going on around us. Also there are many factors within us, the emotion every day we have to deal with, the pressure etc. As long as we have this physical through the spirits/souls growth we come across hurdles and challenges , we do feel helpless and feel angry. Well we are here to learn, overcome as souls/spirits. We shall overcome! You see, once we decided to tune with purpose of life, journey and destiny of our spirits/souls we comes to terms with lots of things, which we never paid attention to. Our habits, our desire for all for the physical. We will go through this pruning process within themselves, and we will be aided by the High Spiritual entities, angels and our process of awakening will take place. Then, all will be clear to us, what is right, what is wrong. We will be our own judge. We will not have desire for covering our mistake and our doing wherein we failed our spirits ascension and purpose. This is the higher calling, a hard one, a good one. Then we are not bound by human theories of this or that. We are the Master of our own Soul/Spirit Destiny. The Infinite is our Guide and our Path. Others may look down on you as a creep or not to be associate with. All mystics went through that. But they are rooted in the LOVE which brought all things into existence and they are one with it all. For them all are sacred.