My soulful thought for today is about poetry. So some people like to write, some like to read. How poetry comes out? There is something inside the human capable of experiencing something, others do not. And if they very good with their language and have the aptitude for formulating words and writing. They create poetry. Some are not
good at writing or expressing, they read them and enjoy them. It is all good. Everything is inspired by some forces, either good or bad. By reading article, novel, poetry etc, one can make out the inner state of the author and which force prompt them to write. So, does the reader. There is a story of Moses guiding the Israel out of Egypt. Spending 40 years through deserts. It is an analogy. Crossing the Red Sea... what is Red Sea.. this physical existence... through this, Soul achieve its purpose and cross over to the Shore of the Divine Sea.. In some other Eastern religions, there is churning of the Milk sea .. using a snake.. and producing the Butter.. There is so much analogy given through all religions. There is a great meaning behind all these stories. So, it is for the seekers of freedom for the Spirit/Soul, to dive deep within and find the meaning, and live with it. Spiritual ascension through the inner transformation. Every day, we are so caught up with our Red sea existence and soul/spirits drown. It seeks harmony, peace, purity, love. If any human think, caring for nobody/no being, wear the garments of religious
talks and make noises and think, when the time come to depart.. and Angels and high spiritual beings will there to receive the departed souls with Trumpet and Horns... Come on.. We can fool ourselves here, NOT hereafter. Take a sage, a kind beggar on the street, a Mystic... they go through this detached life of caring and ascending ever higher Inner Mountains. They met with pains, mockery, insults. When we reject good people, their intentions, animals, killing, raping, reckless living. We are writing a poetry on our soul journey of the love or torments. Divine Law is ever accurate and we are all subject to it. When they crucify the good and noble People write the poetry using the blood as their ink and paper as their soul. I hope, we all humans should realize to a write a poetry with harmony and peace where all living being has the chance to live and have their being, what the creator intended for. Everything what we do on the Earth with Physical glory in mind is building a castle in the air, or building the house on the sand. So will be the outcome for the soul at the entrance gate of the After.