My soulful thought for today is about LOVE.. The Mighty Love which brought all creation into existence. In the heart of all dwell the sparks of Love. It is giving without asking. It embraces all. It sustains it all. WE are the most well equipped with this capacity of God to manifest in our surrounding, all that we meet, and we do not meet. My question is are we practicing the God's Love among us. I do not know whether we can say with honesty whether we practice Love for all. OK some man and women love, which is very few on the Earth. When we practice Love, it has no gender, no color, whether it two legged or 4 legged or with wings, or swim in the waters. We do not even love our own next of kin, man or women. What is happening in the humanity is the Almighty Lust, hence battered women, broken homes, orphanages are filled with children, foster homes. We never told to how to manifest Love, which rise far above the lust and the
sky. Which reaches the heavens and it open the gates of heaven and divine due falls on whom it has the ability to Love. St. Francis and few mystics and Yogis achieved that. Because of them, we still have earth, though we are doing our best to destroy completely. This is our expression of love one another. Though we have God, I do not know where it is, it is not in their heart. If one know or have glimpse of the God presence, we will not do anything contrary to the beautiful and magnificent. If you have love, you will love all creatures. One cause no harm or cause any trouble to anyone. One seek not only for themselves, what they seek for themselves, they tend to seek for others as well. They won't live for convenience. They live for hearts Love, if there is Love in their heart. Which is God in nature. We are crushing anyone who speaks about love, compassion or kindness. Every noble souls who came into human existence were target and got rid of them. After they are removed from the face of the earth, hundreds of years later, they and their voices are still inspirational, they still shed glimpse of hope for the humanity who lives in darkness. If we know Love, first of all that love must manifest in the very home, to next to entire world and creation. No criminals, no violence, no battered suffering women, men, children. We still go worship places. When, if we will wake up to realize all what we need is Love to heal the this God's beautiful creation. Recognize God's presence in its creation. Know, if we violate anybody, or any being, we are violating God's Love. We cannot be partially Love God, Either Whole or Not. The loveless voices does not reach the throne of God...rather kind, love filled, compassion filled action will change the world and practice of oneness and unity will manifest God's presence in creation and we can say, Thy Kingdom Come, They Will be Done. Until then, all talks and game will continue. How can people take the name of God when in their heart there is no love or care for anybody. Animals are far open and honest in their dealing. They go straight to express love or anger. We know how to project which are they are seldom not. Put up a face, a mask and others fall prey into it. Even people of God do what is harmful to other beings or person.