Friends in Spirit:
Let us pay attention to human character and signs, etc. See the importance of the character traits we have to behold to have such marks. Obviously, if we have to live according to the Creator's Plan and Will, we as human have to take good look at the 4000 years or 2000 years. Great many multitude of humans just dive deep and befriended the dark forces of the nature which controls the physical creations participated in multiplying his power by doing everything contrary to love, charity, kindness, empathy. Hence, all creation is suffering for want of peace, tranquility, well being, unity, safety, peace, etc.. What we experience is No, peace, fear all the way. We human have lost in contact with Divine reality i.e. human nature. We practiced with our
lower animal nature and we plunged far below the animalistic existence. If we realize that we are human and we are higher beings and we are supposed to be followers of Light and care takers and mindful everything what we do, think, say, participate. It is already high time to change the way we live and conduct ourselves. Do not participate in the power of darkness. Do not allow evil doers to take over our inner life, peace and union which we human are supposed to desire and live for. Fulfill and perform the responsibility and duty where no one is put into danger because of our failure. It is not rosy all the way in our lives. There many hidden dangers, dark power is hidden in our private life. Clean it up, seek the absolute Love, Light, wherein dwell the Sign of Divine. Let the Light shine dispel all darkness. If we play with our ego and protect and support, evil and selfishness... innocents will suffer, and our soul will be in for long battle. Divine Law favors No one.. we favors evil, because we have no clue of the Divine Law, we may speak. Action speaks louder. A wise person need only a little nudging then he or she will change for their soul purpose and others as well.