Soulful thought of today is, Materialist and self proclaimed spiritualist. We see both the extremes in our middle. I would prefer a materialist than the self proclaimed spiritualist. Here is why, the materialist is only concern with wealth and he accumulate at whatever cost it may be. They do not think of anything else. The price may be dear. The self proclaimed spiritualist... in the beginning they must have been sincere in their desire for God, and their effort will bring some sort of experience of the Spiritual world. But if they use that too little experience to boost themselves and deceive other souls who are really thirsty for God awareness, then the price is going to be heavy on that particular soul. There are so many self proclaimed gurus, teachers, wearing the garbs to project others that, they are chosen by God and all knowledgeable and speak louder... it is unfortunate. In all purpose and reasons, the physical world and all its colors, diversity etc. I do not think, any one understood what is on the deeper.. if, this not fully possible then, how in the world they can say they understood God...God Force is eternal and no one will ever comprehend in its entirety. If one ever did, they will be with God Force...It be will be a point of No return and they have accomplished IT. Rest of us are taking baby steps, falls, rise and falls and rise and some are walking, some are limping due to the many falls as souls. All that we can do is, accept for who we are, in the physical do and live with character, morals, compassion, treat all creation as the fruits, leaves, roots, branches of the Great Tree of Life. Let everyone has it time to manifest in the physical, then seize to be in the physical. Do not desire anything beyond our comprehension.
We must be absolutely genuine from the inside out. If we cannot use all our talents on the inside and outside world... be like the innocent animals.. they project outside ; what is inside. Our intellect, mind, ability all must serve our soul purpose. Anything other than that; will tarnish our spiritual progress. If we acknowledge what is inside in the true sense, we will respect that and be THAT.. which is the God Force within aspect. IT is everywhere, IT is No where.. nobody can hold or control.. it is pure, formless and beyond time and space. Our job is to joyously experience that. The Joy, the Bliss.