My soulful thought for today is about our existence as spirit/soul in the bosom of the Infinite Presence, where darkness was not known, few days ago I wrote that as spirit/souls, we were in the Light, and we had no suffering, no darkness, no winter, no sickness, etc. By the Will of the Absolute, we were sent out or descended into the Physical existence with a physical body as the vehicle to accomplish certain things. We never knew darkness, sickness and death were not known. Well there is not an actual death for spirits either. At the time of the physical death, we just shed this vehicle called the physical body and move towards the deathless regions. While in the physical body, our souls has retained all our life story, our interaction, our negligence, our failed duties, our noble deeds, our loving deeds, our cruel deeds, our discordant behavior, what we thought, what we have failed. We will gladly open the book of life AND experience everything, joy or sorrow, or burden or love. We will feel the effect in much more enhanced way. From our physical we created a further course of action for our spirit/soul. One wonder why? what is the need for all these drams of life. Well, we could minimize the after effect of the sickness and darkness, while living in the physical. Live collectively for the well being, harmonious living, love filled life. The Divine Creator has the power to create for ITS Love for Creation. Among the millions of galaxies, our Earth is a speck, and we as human, and the rest of the beings are minute organism on the earth. Did we try to live with one another, did we sought peace, health, harmony, joy? Or we created terror between each other, and rest of the inhabitants. So, if one is living for the Spirit/Soul, there has to be rewriting of the human history. By avoiding million things as usual and causal. Our talk will not change a thing in our physical conditions. We with our action created this chaos. With our conscious living and desire for spirits and souls and it ascension, we have to live with the rest of the creation. We must practice daily compassionate living. Everything has a place in the Creation. We are not outside of the system. Stay within the system and work and live collectively to do the journey of return home.