My soulful thought for today is the important of gratitude, experience the stillness within to commune with the Infinite Ocean of Love/Life. People make great effort to invite a king or high officials into our homes or some gathering places. We keep everything clean, security guards and millions other things to impress the Guest. We do much for a mere human being like one of us, just because of his status as an elected official, then how much we have to do to be in the Presence of Cosmic Father, who brought all things into existence. Without this power and Force nothing would exist. How can one prepare ourselves to be in the presence of the Mighty Love... before to experience IT and commune with IT, did we do our preparation? What kind of preparation we have done? Is our Home, the Heart is the Dwelling place of the Most High, Is there a place for IT, without IT, we will not be here. Are we thankful for the gift of Life, love, the connection that we have with each other, is our heart free of corruption of lies, falsehood, dishonesty, killing, causing suffering to others. Are we not have to respect and Love of ITS other creation? Love and Trust is the Most important thing which hold creation together, relationship together. IT gave us this gift in order that we may practice it and live well with each other and rest of the creation. No, we broke the very essence of God Force by breaking the Trust with each other, shattering the Love that hold all in line. Animal Trust us, we lead them to slaughter homes, we abuse them. Before the Love of the Creator, what we have to say, how can we have place for the Divine, with an on going basis we are creating filth within and to other beings. If one loves God and want to commune with IT, make certain changes, all changes necessary to for the Divine to Occupy within our Hearts and to commune with. God in essence is Love and Pure Trust. Nothing Less. We have brought this
beautiful creation into a inferno where all dark entities dwell. Feel the Love and Trust and create a place for the Lord to come and dwell and to be commune with and be happy. If one's heart is full of malice, hate, distrust, lies, crime, killing, one honestly think, there is a place for God? Animals cannot even dream of doing what we are doing and we claim we are created in the image of God, and the Trustee of ITS, inheritance. Well it takes efforts.