My soulful thought for today about psychic powers etc. There are lots fakes pretending to have super powers etc. They have nothing. They must have had glimpse of something of the astral and posing to have great powers. They deceive the naïve and the innocents. The souls who has the real knowledge of anything of the higher/God's nature.. they are humble and they use their wisdom for their self Mastery and ascension. When we serve the Dark Powers by doing not Good things... the dark power will help them. So, does the Godly and good...Either it is expansion or contraction. If we love, love will multiply, or on the opposite. The most and best psychic power is the Heart Center, from its comes the Mighty force of all, which is UNCONDITIONAL love for All God creation. This will move the mountain. This will heal all wounds, this will open the heavens. This will allow the Lion and lamp to drink from the same spring of Love. In the group one person said, Jesus sent his apostles...send out... which means, we are all souls either humans or animals, are all sent out to do the sowing, growing, learning and harvesting. God the Almighty is not desire of us to speak vain words... rather, IT desires of us to realize our work, responsibility as human to do the Job as learning, knowing, etc. This earth is now filled with this sound waves .. still crime, war, suffering of the creation. Words will not change a thing. Action will. We all are here to live and fulfill the task the Creator bestowed upon ITS Creation. No matter what, think right, do right, be gentle, be compassionate, be loving. Magic will happen. This is my take on the subject. You may agree or disagree.