Quotes by Harmonious Petals
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“I sow the wind on the Earth and I harvested a storm in Heaven.”
“Do and say the right thing. You will not regret it.”
“God's love is greater than our faults.”
“I was a little bird playing with my Mom in the forest. A hunter came and shot my Mom and he took me away. He put me in a golden cage. I lost my freedom. I am in the golden cage. But, still in the cage. [This is a story of the human soul/spirit].”
“Fear prevents us from moving forward.”
“I am the message. And I am the messenger of Love. Receive me into your dwelling place.”
“ I am the Hunter and the hunted. My days are numbered.”
“I am measured on the Earth by my fine cloths, houses and cars. People bow before me.”
“In heaven, I am measured by giving love, selflessness, compassion, empathy, and unity.”
“Do not aim your arrow at the Tree Top. The mother bird is there sitting on the eggs to hatch. If you kill the mother bird, the hatchlings will die and heaven will curse you. In the next life, you will have no arms.”
“The Earth is a School ( A Prison) and the souls learn skills in order to travel the God's Universes Made of Love.”
“Earth is a stage and we are actors playing different roles.”
“Do not look down on a man sitting by the roadside with a begging bowl. He may be a High Order Spirit wearing the garment of a beggar to give you a chance and test you, how you do?”
“Do not romance at me. I am not the object of your illusion.”
“Do not rip off the garments of a being, male, female, children or animals. You destroy their Soul and both will suffer here on the Earth greatly.”
“You suffer the torments when your clothes wear out and die. Your Soul enters the place that you have prepared with your living.”
“Do not misuse your reproductive power. The result will be suffering and over population. Keep the sacred gift to act to bring forth a good spirit into the world where peace, harmony, and joy, will prevail.”
“Union of the male and female is the gateway for the soul to enter into this world.”
“English is my Mother tongue. God is my Father tongue. We three together create poetry.”
“I am the Accused One, the Crucified One, the Blamed One. I give freedom to the confused and lost ones.”
“My Grey hair is a constant reminder to my dear Soul that I have to prepare for Soul Travel to the nether world.”
“When you are in the dark place, light your candle, so that others can light their candle from yours or they can see your candlelight and trace their path.”
“When you hike the mountain, you may find weary and tired hikers, do not ignore them. Sit with them. Share the little you have. And help them to stand to make few steps upward. It is pleasing to the Lord.”
“Do not be curious about others. They may be curious about you as well. Which you may not appreciate.”
“If you are able body, do not live on Welfare. You will be Bankrupt in the end as soul."
“If someone trusts you with something precious. Guard them with your life, until you return back to them.”
“Do not be sorry for me. Because I am not.”
“Do not look at one's garment and fascinate. This garment will get old and wear out. Learn to look inside. So that one may not be deceived.”
“Do not look at the expensive vehicle they are driving. It is not theirs. They have rented it.”
“Can you count the stars in the sky? If not, how can you say, you know God? Try to know yourself. If you know yourself, you will know ALL SELVES.”
“When you delight in all the rich food and parties, your brother may not be having even any crumbs.”
“When I was a poor man and had nothing people mocked me and threw their left over food in my face. I cried to Heaven, I won the lottery. I built a big house and wore fine clothes. People sought my company and brought me presents!”
“When you Eat meat, know that an innocent animal was thoughtlessly killed. ITS soul cries for justice to the Heaven. They too are here to live.”
“Do not cause suffering to any Beings.”
“Everybody is the temple of that spirit. Do not damage or tear down by your actions.”
“Do not make promises, if you cannot keep them.”
“Count your blessings and help the less fortunate. Reward awaits.”
“I can only do one or few things at a time. Not all things. Forgive me. Because I am not a Super Hero.”
“Share your wealth, share your joy and share your love. Whatever you shared will multiply here and the hereafter.”
“Whatever you cherished and nourished will flourish in the here and the hereafter.”
“I kept the door to my heart open. Angels and birds made their nest in my heart! They are teaching me how to fly.”
“Cosmos is Comparable to a Mystic Golden Rose which has trillions of petals. Some are visible, some are invisible. You and I are two of those precious petals.”
“I stopped the struggle to know. The knowledge comes to me.”
“God created the world and humans. Humans created the division, destruction, and suffering for all on the Earth.”
“God said, “Thou shall not kill”. They killed all and killed the God of their image. Then man made God from the mud and worshiped.”
“I am the silent witness to all things.”
“I am the Well Spring in the barren desert. Animals and birds quench their thirst.”
“I sit by the stream that flows from the throne of God, I sing to the fish, I sing to the birds and deer. They gather by my side. We sing together with one accord.”
“When you see a flower “Rose” on the rose bush, do not pluck the flower. The bush will cry. Take the whole plant and plant it in your garden and water it. You will have the beauty year round.”
“Plant a Lily in the garden of your heart and water it with Love. It will blossom. Lily is the symbol of Eternal Love. The Infinite.”
“God has made me to see and perceive all. I tried to see only myself. God took my Sight. I cried to the Lord in repentance and God restored my sight. Now I see and perceive all. I AM ALL.”
“I came home naked and weary. An Angel took me under ITS wing. I fell asleep.”
“I went to a nightclub. People were naked, partying, drinking, doing drugs and intoxication they are dancing and doing everything shameless. I felt anguish and ran.”
“I went to all worship places on the Earth. I heard a loud mourning and scream. The places were the battlefield for all sorts of spirits. I cried aloud to my God. “Where are you Thou Art?” The voice said, “I am inside you”.”
“I am the Nile River, running through Egypt, the desert land, and watering it. So, that the plants can grow, Flowers can blossom, animals can quench their thirst.”
“I am the Mountain I am the Trail, I am the Map, and I am the Walker.”