Quotes by Harmonious Petals
Page Four
“Why religions fight for God? Do you honestly think God wants humans to fight for God? As if God is so powerless? God knows men's strength? This fighting for God diminishes what God is. God is infinite and God does not need man to fight and establish God's Kingdom. All belong to God.”
“Do not try to subdue others. Subdue oneself first and it is fitting.”
“I as a soul, came with a closed book into this world. Once I am in the world, I started to write and my book is filled. I closed my book and took it with me to the Timeless Zone and to be opened and to be Reviewed.”
“We, the finite forms, fight for God's sake. We bring Infinite into a Finite image and fight. It is not pleasing to God.”
“Why we need politicians? Because we love their lies. They speak what we want to hear, Empty Promises.”
“Why do we need Law Enforcement? Because we fail to enforce Divine Law within us.”
“I am now learning to listen to the voice that whispers through the wind.”
“Birth and Death are the two sides of the one Phenomenon – Folding and Unfolding.”
“Take care of your body with the good food. Take care of your mind with noble and kind thought and action. So that your existence will be fulfilled as Soul's purpose.”
“Teach one's children with high morals and high discipline so that they can participate in creating a better tomorrow.”
“One Loves One's life and wants to live. If So, Love all life. They too love their life and want to live. It is pleasing to the Creator.”
“When you think of pleasures and riches – Think it should not be at the cost of others' suffering or their Bloodshed.”
“Disease, old age, and death are inevitable. It is part of the birth. While living, participate in creating peace, harmony and safety for all. Your Soul will have less burden to carry home.”
“Even if you do not believe in God, you too are part of God and God believes in you. God is the Force to reckon with.”
“God is the Force beyond our comprehension which created the Universe and bring forth all creation through ITS Agencies.”
“How can one Love and be thankful to God when one do not Love God's other creations, the brothers and sisters and the rest of all?”
“If you expect others to appreciate you, learn to appreciate others. It is the way reciprocation is established.”
“You take the first step forward and others will follow you because they put their trust in you.”
“God established ITS Kingdom in our Hearts and the Hearts of all. FORGET NOT!”
“I am a spirit and traveled the Universe and gathered sparkles and created lights.”
“God put a darkness into our hearts so we may seek light.”
“We create enemies so that we can fight enemies.”
“Why nations go to war? To bring Peace!”
“Why nations go to war? Because they hate Peace!”
“When you have a child. Discipline them, they are not your property. They are souls that belong to the Universal Spirit, Belong to the Lord.”
“If you spoil your child with gifts and riches; you default on them. And they default on themselves and you as well. You and they are bound together in many lifetimes to come.”
“A person of Ego cannot appreciate others. He only seek appreciation for himself. He seeks to gather where he did not SOW.”
“Come to the garden of the Lord. Let us sing together with birds. Fly with Angels. Gather grapes. Make them into Wine. Speak to the Flowers and smell the Roses.”
“I am the unborn. I am the born. I am the abused one. I am the tortured one. I am the Buried one. I am the Resurrected One. I AM in ALL. ALL IS I AM.”
“I dig into my garden of my Heart and found treasures.”
“In my Garden grows a plant which is the Universal medicine. It heals all things. LOVE.”
“My cup is overflowing with milk and honey, come and drink from it my friends.”
“I am the sought after ONE. I am the found ONE. I am the Treasure and the Treasure Hunter.”