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Quotes by Harmonious Petals

Page Six

"Control the fire before it burns everything in its path."


"Controlled Fire can be a guiding light for the one who is traveling in the night."


"Empathy, compassion and love is the way of the seeker of the path."


"When one has decided to take the journey of the soul, do not forget to pack the food for the journey. Which is humility, selflessness, kindness and heart full of love."


"SOLO is the journey of the SOUL."


"When you travel through the narrow path in the night, take a torch with you. There are hidden dangers lurking in the dark. The torch is one's inner light."


"What one do not cherish will perish in time."


"If one's life is dear to one.  Know that other's dear to them. All want to live."


"If one can overcome our conditioned SELF, we will experience unconditional SELF. That is the WHOLE SELF. The universal SELF, In that you, me and all included."


"If one has the tendency to possess, it is an obsession. It holds one in captivity and creates captives."


"Universe is ONE Ever Flowing Force. No one can hold ITS captive. ITS nature is to flow. And flow it must."


"Remember to clean and prune the fruit tree and the garden often. Pull the weeds out. One will harvest in plenty."


"Divine gives us life and showed us the way. Now it is for us to walk the way."


"What is not Negotiated is Negated and unsettled."


"Honest and open communication bring harmony and peace. Light and love enter their hearts and dwell with them."


"I have knocked at your door day after day, night after night. You are intoxicated and you did not respond. Now I am on my path to a new direction." Do not call me back, I have gone far from your sight."


"I am the Life of the Life of All. I dwell in all forms. If one tried to kill a being, I take a leave of that form and I give life to another. I am Deathless and Eternal. Know this and live."


"I was a frog lives in a farmers well. That was my world. One day a farmer came to fetch the water and accidentally, I got into the pail and he through me outside. First, I was sad to leave the well. However, I decided to leap and jump and finally I reached the ocean. Oh, I was so happy to be in this vast ocean. I played with all lives and my joy abound." This is our soul/spirit existence in the physical.


"One who has developed the capacity to experience emotions, feelings, pain, joys and sorrow of other beings, that of man or beast who has taken the steps to know the forces and sources of ALL."


"If one loves Somebody or Something do not seek to possess it."


"Do not Desire to have what belongs to others."


"Learn to live and tolerate others, other beings and their place in Creation. If one do, one will spare many bad outcome in the journey of the soul life."


"If one imposes one's will on another being, one will fail to recognize the will of the other and the imposer is in error and accountable."


"If one is ready to harass and torture other beings, that one is a dead-being walking. Life recognize Life, that is the Law. [Dead walking]"


"If I am your friend. I will tell you what it is and not what you want to hear. It may not be pleasing to you."


"On your travel, do not take a Sudden Turn to a road that one is not aware of, unless one has a proper map. If one do, one may be in for a great spin."


"If one hear or read a word of wisdom, a good word, do not bother to know who spoke it; allow that word sink into ones life and part of one's daily living. That person will be a happy Soul."


"By reading the writing of the Sages or Saints will not make one a Sage or a Saint. But one live with it and become part's of one's life. He or she will become truly be a Sage or a Saint."


"A plant that produces bitter fruits will not produce sweet fruits. That is the natural law."


"If one love praise and worship the creator, then why one kill and destroy the creatures including humans. All belong to the Creator. One is in violation of the Creator's Law."


"I always hear people says, “God knows what is in my Heart”. How can “God” know, if one does not know. Because each one's heart is the dwelling place of the Divine Spark. Recognize this."


"Why everybody trying to establish God's kingdom and work, when Almighty has done that work by creating ITS creation. By participating in the living of all. We must follow and practice love and living intended by the Creator."


"Cherish all life. The life that one cherishes will cherish One's Soul and Spirit."


"When there is collective issues that are causing destruction and suffering for all creatures. We need collective realization, action and solution. Earth and all its inhabitants are in crisis now."


"When one pursue the destruction of others habitation. Do not expect a warm welcome. Every physical body is the habitation of a Soul/Spirit. Recognize this universal truth and live."


"Do not force oneself to enter into a place where one is not invited or allowed. If one do, one's ego will be bruised."


"Take no for an answer."


"Every charity or spirituality starts with some noble intentions, but often time, once they are recognized and have gathered many subscribers, Name and Power struggle takes over. Nobility becomes no nobility and it is deceiving."


"Every nation celebrates independence. What is independence? Freedom from the oppression and the oppressor. Very good. However, let us do a reality check. Are we not oppressing other human beings and their rights of their well being with our self seeking for whatever? Are we not oppressing the animal kingdom with our power and pleasure? So, what is the meaning of independence? We can be captive and still we can feel the inner freedom. However we have the outer freedom but we create captivity in the inner existence of others. When there is no joy,  no harmony and  there is mental suffering of all. Humanity have lots of thinking to do before understanding what is all about independence. Think of the women, the children, the animals and the amount of suffering they go through in the midst of us. How can this people celebrate independence, when they don't have any physical, emotional safety and well being? Can a little child born on the street or women or man with their begging bowel. Can they celebrates independence?"


"I am the Cast Iron went through the Furnace of existence and  become a sharp Steel Blade. It will cut through ALL things. This is the Soul's evolution."


"Make sure that one's blessing remain as blessings instead of …[misuse]... understand and be grateful for all the blessings."


"The wise speaks in parable and in wisdom. The fools makes noises without any substance."


"The wise and strong look at the waves in the sea and dive deep into it. The fools see the waves and run for physical safety."


"Do not over burden others with one's selfish agenda. Life has given them more then they can bear. Have compassion."







© 2023 by Harmonious Petals

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